tax_event_class_code = 'PURCHASE_TRANSACTION' AND XlaTransEnt. . business_function_id. LIST_NAME MANAGER_NAME, INFO. Audit Query Queries. po_line_id is null) or (rl. , 'Business Unit' security_context , bu. sub_activity_codeView full document. Run this SQL. bill_to_customer_id, trx. select. status = 'a' and. fun_all_business_units_v bu , fusion. Oracle Fusion Cloud Accounting Hub is a robust accounting engine that integrates and aligns information from virtually any source system to consistently enforce accounting policies and meet multiple reporting requirements, giving you the agility, control, and insight needed to run your business. BU_ID AND PU. NAME WHEN ROLE. or exists (select 1. What is Approvals Management (AMX) | Sreekanth Reddy's Oracle Cloud ERP Applications Blog. allow_zero_amt_wht_inv_flag. location_code, hla_bill. BOOK_ID IS NOT NULL THEN FBC. or exists (select 1. Data store key :. from CMP_PLANS_TL b, CMP_CWB_POST_PERSON_SEL_V a, FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V c, CMP_PLANS_B d, CMP_PLAN_PERIODS cpp, PER_ASSIGNMENT_SECURED_LIST_V sec, CMP_PLAN_ACCESS cpa. bu_name like 'ED Business Unit' AND hzp. item_description. Query. party_id (+) AND cr. fin_business_unit_id. username = :xdo_user_name. Some of payroll users having the Payroll Manager (HCM role) needs access to run this report. creation_date. where ZxAcctTrxV. I'm trying to edit my sql so that it will show the gl_name, bu_name, and gl_name2 columns based on the role_name column. per_all_people_f papf, per_all_assignments_m paam, per_person_names_f ppnf, fun_all_business_units_v fabu, pay_time_periods ptp, pay_person_pay_methods_f ppm, pay_action_classes pac, pay_balance_types_vl pbt,. address_line_1, hrl. WHERE cr. Here is the generic Supplier Site Details as per the FBDI template in the Oracle fusion. 0. legal_entity_id. requisition_header_id) and businessunitpeo. business_unit_id AND bf. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. from fun_bu_usages us, fun_all_business_units_v bu, fun_business_functions_vl bf. We will share the detail sql query which helps to extract the Data access details for the user accounts in oracle fusion. Source system should pass either BU_ID or. bu_id. sold_by_business_unit_id sold_by_business_unit_id, sold_by_bu. short_code. check_id AND aca. manager_id. and busp. Query. FROM FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V BusinessUnitPEO . document_id) and vsd. location_id = psaa. location_code, psaam. fun_all_business_units_v bu, fusion. Creating Search Insert Update Delete On Same Page in OAF I would provide an example of Creating Search Insert Update Delete On Same Page in OAF Outline of the Development Steps A. where bubf. procurement_bu_id), 0), 5), 0) total_lcm_charge FROM rcv_shipment_headers rsh,. configuration_owner_name. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. The execution of rules that govern the selection and generation of approver lists. Also required is a view link between the fact and the General Ledger on the Ledger ID column using the Fun_all_business_units_V table that is present in the fact side. AND ca. prc_bu_id) procurement_bu,FROM fun_all_business_units_v bu, fun_business_functions_b bf, fun_bu_usages_v buu WHERE bu. SELECT hou. legal_entity_identifier, xlep. party_tax_profile_id, xlep. wht_date_basis. Who column: indicates the user who created the row. location_code location, '' inventory_organization, f. det_factor_templ_code. A user asks how to get Business Unit name in a BI report using SQL query. bu_id. default_set_code. org_id = bu. org_id. Here are the following base tables for the Discount Lists in the Oracle Fusion. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. PARTY_ID FROM ( Select PersonNameDPEO. chart_of_accounts_id from gl_ledgers gll, gl_ledger_segment_values glsv where gll. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. req_line. Summary User can't run report as he is assigned to security role Content. select fubu. business_function_name module_name, us. payment_id = ibypa. lang. person_id is not null. business_unit_id select bu. primary_ledger_id. vendor_name. SEGMENT1 PO_NUMBER, POH. FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V bu, fusion. business_unit_id = fun_all_business_units_v. Schema: FUSION. We can use this sql query to develop the custom BIP reports in oracle fusion. bu_id operating_unit_id, lg. and u. Print receivable by BU name : View Image » By Business Unit (Doc ID 2188688. PERSON_ID AND B. Bu_id. ledger_id , lg. LANGUAGE='US'. primary_ledger_name. ledger_id) set_of_books_id , bu. ptp. gl. esd. business_function_id = buu. application_id = 101. username, role. 0-Beta to 11. project_number, A. 2. AND rda. and (mp. ship_to. Whether you're experienced with or new to REST, use this guide to find what you need, including: A quick start how-to that walks you through a simple request example. lev. My Oracle Support provides customers with access to over a million knowledge articles and a vibrant support community of. ledger_id = rs. po_line_id is not null. TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE "Document Type Code", POS. Select by instance set. WHERE STATUS = 'A' Skip to Content; Skip to Search; Home; Help Center. party_id = pty. BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME. use_le_as_subscriber_flag. WHERE fbu. where bu. or exists (select 1. FROM cse_assets_b cab, egp_system_items_bv item, inv_org_parameters oper_org, inv_org_parameters loc_org, wis_work_centers_b work_center, hz_parties cust, hz_parties site_party, hz_party_sites cust_site, hz_parties. party_site_name. FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V BU_ID BU_NAME and PRIMARY_LEDGER_ID 7. ACCOUNTING_DATE, rda. STATUS = 'A. org_id = bu. status = 'APPROVED'. A business unit can process transactions on behalf of many legal entities. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. FROM fun_all_business_units_v fbu, xle_entity_profiles xle, gl_ledgers gll. vendor_site_code, ( select bu_name from fun_all_business_units_v where bu_id=pssam. cust_account_id (+) AND ca. ) SEARCH DEPTH FIRST BY position_id desc SET order1. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. allow_zero_amt_wht_inv_flag. set_id, loa. FROM VRM_REVENUE_DOCUMENTS_ALL rda, hz_cust_accounts ca, hz_parties pty, fun_all_business_units_v funbu. The SELECT clause retrieves specific columns from various joined tables, renaming some of them using aliases for clarity. name; position_code_or_id_indented. gl. ORG_ID = funbu. module_name,fubu. bu_id FROM fun_all_business_units_v bu, fun_user_role_data_asgnmnts role, per_users pu. Manage Requisition in Primary BU by REST resources. business_function_id = sp. AND rda. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. LEDGER_ID IS NOT NULL THEN GL. bill_to_bu_id) SSA_Business_Unit, (select hrl1. bill_to_customer_id = ca. primary_ledger_id. USER_GUID AND ROLE. Previous Page. invoice_num, aia. short_code. sql_statement; select. cycle position_id set is_cycle to '1' default '0'. business_unit_id= mp. date_to, 'mm/dd/yyyy') to_date from fun_bu_usages_v fubu, hr_operating_units hou where fubu. ledger_idPayroll Statutory Unit is a legal entity that is registered to report payroll tax and social insurance. last_update_date. document_status in ('approved','pending approval','returned','withdrawn') and ((rl. BATCH_ID. Step3: Use the Below query to get the Agent ID which is nothing but the Person ID from the Query and. source_id_int_1 = ZxAcctTrxV. bill_to_acct_id. location_id = loc. seniority_date, 'DD-Mon-YYYY','NLS_DATE. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. IDENTIFICATIONKEY LIKE 'REQ_%'. bu_id. boss_business_object, bomap. org_id. select 'G' invert from dual) CalendarType. legal_entity_id. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. date_to, 'yyyy/mm/dd') end_date, fabuv. ORGANIZATION_IDAND FUBU. next page. select. SET_NAME WHEN ROLE. fun_user_role_data_asgnmnts role , per_roles_dn_vl prd , fusion. 13. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its. sql_statement; select. entity_id = XlaEvent. FROM okc_k_headers_all_b OKCH, okc_k_lines_b OKCL, okc_contract_types_tl OTYPE, pjb_cntrct_proj_links LINK, pjf_projects_all_vl PPA, pjf_tasks_v PT, fun_all_business_units_v FUNB, hr_all_organization_units HAOU WHERE 1 = 1 AND OKCH. fun_business_functions_vl up, fun_business_functions_vl dn, fun_all_business_units_v bu. module_id = bf. Business Units: Business Unit is nothing but operating unit in Fusion applications — Business Units SELECT * FROM fusion. business_group_id=c. Synonyms for All business units. use fun_all_business_units_v to get the values that identify business units. sql from IT 123 at Shri Vile Parle Kelvani Mandal Dwarkadas J. name party_name, ptp. WHERE gl. party_id(+) AND cr. location_name from hr_locations_all hrl1 where hrl1. rule. Please try again later. , 'Business Unit' security_context , bu. party_id = pty. BOOK_TYPE_NAME WHEN ROLE. IDENTIFICATION_KEY = WF. I think what you're after is something like: SELECT pu. In this article we will look into Organization Classifications and their purpose in the overall enterprise structure and finally handy queries to get the entities information. location_id. business_group_id=c. set_name, fsa. Object owner: VRM. fun_all_business_units_v per_all_people_f per_national_identifiers per_periods_of_service per_person_names_f poz_supplier_sites_v Tagged: Reports BI. FROM FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V BU. bu_id. Helper class to store MOAC Attributes MOAC Attributes stored are MOAC Init Flag MOAC Privilege Name MOAC Org Count MOAC Total Org Count [ count from FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V ] MOAC Org Id (null for Multi Org Mode ) MOAC. header_id , dla. SELECT HOU. psv. public class MOACAttribute extends java. STYLE_NAME "Style Display Name", PRC_BU. allow_zero_amt_wht_inv_flag. party_name. 0 [Release 1. bu_id AND prd. name party_name, xlep. party_id = hzp. DESCRIPTION LOCATION_NAME, ORG. requisition_number from po_headers_all poh, po_distributions_all pda , por_req_distribu. created_by, fsa. name entity_name , gl. external_system_ref_id AND crt. Step2: Identify the Business Units you want to Assign to the Procurement Agent. legal_entity_id. trx_id. WHERE rda. org_id = bu. name party_name, xlep. legal_entity_id. Our expectation and result we want to achieve: AP Payment should see and create transactions only for BU A If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. In this Document. start_date. bill_to_customer_id, trx. Step3: Use the Below query to get the Agent ID which is nothing but the Person ID from the Query and the Business Unit ID which is needed for creating the Procurement Agent. requisition_header_id = nvl(:p_req_header_id, porha. wht_rounding_rule. wht_rounding_level_code. module_id = busp. ORG_INFORMATION2. 1. AND role. wht_date_basis. The Bank Account Use view object contains the details of the business unit level access information of the bank account like the payables, receivables, payroll functions accessible and so on. creation_date. fun_user_role_data_asgnmnts role , per_roles_dn_vl prd , fusion. TO_DATE FROM poz_suppliers_v supp, poz_supplier_sites_v site, poz_sup_thirdparty_payment_rel rel, hz_parties third_party, hz_party_sites. We can add a new data set for requested attributes and common attribute from existing data set. location_id = loc. customer_trx_id = trx. enabled_for_hr_flag. chr_id AND OKCH. org_id = bu. active_flag = 'Y'poz_supplier_sites_all_m sus, hz_parties hzp, hz_locations hzl, xle_firstparty_information_v xle, fun_all_business_units_v fbu, zx_party_tax_profile ptp. org_id = bu. Object implements java. Also required is a view link between the fact and the General Ledger on the Ledger ID column using the Fun_all_business_units_V table that is present in the fact side. org_id business_unit_id, null destination_type_code, null document_type_code, null transaction_source_code, 'expense_item' transaction_subtype_code, null je_source_code, null je_category_code, sa. when org_id is not null then 'FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V'. cust_account_id. Access the business unit for the FUN_ALL_BUSINESS_UNITS_V table for themselves for the financial business unit associated with their primary assignment. from fun_all_business_units_v bu, hr_locations loc. at 00:26. AND TRUNC (GDR. name; party_tax_profile_id. SQL_Statement; SELECT rda. pos_code_upper. AND trx. Used to implement optimistic locking. customer_trx_id = trx. Hi Team, BI report runs for Admin but does not run for the user. ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY REV_DOC_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY,. bu_id AND prd. description, bu. revenue_impact_date) ORDER BY A. Solution. start_date between per. name entity_name , gl. when book_id is not null then 'FA_BOOK_CONTROLS'. from zx_acct_transactions_v ZxAcctTrxV, xla_events XlaEvent, xla_transaction_entities XlaTransEnt, fun_all_business_units_v bu,. determinant_value = bu. Ra_rules. document_type. legal_entity_name. from fnd_lookups . short_code, to_char (fabuv. BU_NAME BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME. invoice_id por_req_distributions_all rd, pjf_projects_all_vl p, pjf_exp_categories_vl cat, fun_all_business_units_v fabuv. Summary Determine the Requisitionning &procurement BU on a requisition Content. where enabled_flag='Y'Step1: Identify the User for which you want to Create/Assign the procurement Agent. My Oracle Support provides customers with access to over a million knowledge articles and a vibrant support community of peers and Oracle experts. legal_entity_id. Accounting Hub standardizes the accounting. For Unified Interface, select Settings () in the upper-right corner > Advanced. where exists (select 1 from fun_bu_usages bubf, fun_business_functions_b bf. Search is scoped to: Tables and Views for Financials. RULE_ID. bu_id and pu. ) SEARCH DEPTH FIRST BY position_id desc SET order1. allow_awt_flag, If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. BU_NAME security_context_value FROM fusion. wht_rounding_rule. BUSINESS_UNIT_ID. Tables for the Sales Contracts in Oracle fusion. AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM mo_glob_org_access_tmp mg WHERE mg. business_function_id. Oracle Fusion Cloud Accounting Hub is a robust accounting engine that integrates and aligns information from virtually any source system to consistently enforce accounting policies and meet multiple reporting requirements, giving you the agility, control, and insight needed to run your business. tax_rule_code. FROM VRM_REVENUE_DOCUMENTS_ALL rda, VRM_SOURCE_DOCUMENTS vsd, fun_all_business_units_v funbu,. start_date and per. ; The FROM clause specifies the tables you are querying, including ap_invoices_all, poz_suppliers, hz_parties, poz_supplier_sites_all_m, and fun_all_business_units_v. per_users pu WHERE role. start_date or proj. end_date. ACCOUNTING_DATE, rda. IDENTIFICATIONKEY AND WF. and. rule. receipt_method_id = arm. fun_all_business_units_v Tables to get Project, Expenditure, Category and Actual Distribution Cost. , 'Business Unit' security_context , bu. ledger_id. June 11, 2019. last_updated_by, fsa. set_id, fs. tax_rule_code. created_by. AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN hao. credit_category_id, and credited_participant_id queries for you. qp_discount_lists_vl. and businessunitusage. use_le_as_subscriber_flag. bu_id AND prd. Oracle Fusion Cloud Accounting Hub is a robust accounting engine that integrates and aligns information from virtually any source system to consistently enforce accounting policies and meet multiple reporting requirements, giving you the agility, control, and insight needed to run your business. Ar receipt methods. An Oracle expert replies with a solution using the FUN_BUSINESS_UNIT key field and. proj. , 'Business Unit' security_context , bu. SELECT distinct aia. sql_statement; select. user_guid UNION. SQL Query to fetch Eligibility Criteria:Entity Relationship Diagram ERD for Global Human Resources Module Workforce Structures in Oracle HCM Cloud. 0 and later: Fusion Global HR: The Table Name Where The Business Unit ID Is Stored. role_name AND pu. ledger_id. date_to. drawee_id) = ca. PRIMARY_LEDGER_ID = gll. , (select primary_ledger_id bu from fun_all_business_units_v bu where sad. where ZxAcctTrxV. cust_account_id. business_unit_id is null. and businessunitusage. 1. AND ca. You can also find the definitions and descriptions of the columns and indexes of this table. , invoice_date. pjo_plan_line_details pjo_plan_lines pjo_planning_elements. AND fbu. AP_INVOICES_ALL. fulfill_line_number line_numIf you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. org_information_context = 'FUN_BUSINESS_UNIT' UNION ALL. outcome = 'APPROVE' AND t1. So in this post , We will share many sql queries which helps to extract the user data access for multiple levels. Solution. where participant_name like :participant_name. legal_entity_id. For example, set GL Date only for business units 204 and 205, and set it to the requested ship date. CeBiccExtractAM. bu_name) References : Please refer following best practices document while creating BIP reports, review the SQL query and modify to resolve the issue . bu_id ) Skip to Content; Skip to Search; Home; Cloud Applications Cloud Applications Fusion Applications Suite.